WMACI2023 9. World Masters Athletics Indoor Championships
TORUŃ (POL), March 26 - April 1, 2023
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Last Changes: 2023-03-31 16:09:53
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60 200 400 800 1500 3000 60H 3000W 4x200 4x200X HJ PV LJ TJ SP WT DT HT JT 8kmCR 10km HMAR 10kmW PENT 60H_Pen HJ_Pen SP_Pen LJ_Pen 800_Pen

60 200 400 800 1500 3000 60H 3000W 4x200 HJ PV LJ TJ SP WT DT HT JT 6kmCR 8kmCR 10kmW PENT 60H_Pen LJ_Pen SP_Pen HJ_Pen 1000_Pen
  HT    W35   W40   W45   W50   W55   W60   W65   W70   W75   W80+ 


08:00  60 m Hurdles W70+ Pentathlon  [H]
08:00  Shot Put M60 (5) 
08:00  Shot Put M55 (6) 
08:00  Triple Jump M45 
08:08  60 m Hurdles W65 Pentathlon  [H]
08:36  200 m W70  [1st]
08:40  High Jump W70+ Pentathlon 
08:40  High Jump W65 Pentathlon 
09:00  200 m W55  [SF]
09:00  10 km Walk W55+  [F]
09:00  Discus Throw W50 (1) 
09:00  Hammer Throw W80+ (2) 
09:01  10 km Walk TEAM W70  [F]
09:01  10 km Walk TEAM W65  [F]
09:01  10 km Walk TEAM W60  [F]
09:01  10 km Walk TEAM W55  [F]
09:12  200 m W50  [SF]
09:24  200 m W45  [SF]
09:30  Pole Vault M75 
09:30  Pole Vault M80 
09:30  Pole Vault M85 
09:36  200 m W40  [SF]
09:50  60 m Hurdles W60 Pentathlon  [H]
10:00  60 m Hurdles W55 Pentathlon  [H]
10:07  Triple Jump M35 
10:10  200 m W35  [1st]
10:10  Shot Put W70+ (3/2) Pentathlon 
10:20  Discus Throw W45 (1) 
10:30  High Jump W60 Pentathlon 
10:30  Hammer Throw W75 (2) 
10:35  200 m M80  [1st]
10:40  High Jump W55 Pentathlon 
10:45  10 km Walk W35-50  [F]
10:46  10 km Walk TEAM W50  [F]
10:46  10 km Walk TEAM W45  [F]
10:46  10 km Walk TEAM W40  [F]
10:46  10 km Walk TEAM W35  [F]
10:48  200 m M75  [SF]
10:56  200 m M70  [SF]
11:00  Shot Put W65 (3) Pentathlon 
11:08  200 m M65  [SF]
11:20  200 m M60  [SF]
11:32  200 m M55  [SF]
11:44  200 m M50  [SF]
11:45  Hammer Throw W70 (3) 
12:00  60 m Hurdles W50 Pentathlon  [H]
12:00  Discus Throw W40 (1) 
12:05  Long Jump W65 Pentathlon 
12:10  Long Jump W70+ Pentathlon 
12:12  Shot Put W60 (3) Pentathlon 
12:20  60 m Hurdles W45 Pentathlon  [H]
12:30  200 m M45  [SF]
12:30  10 km Walk M70+  [F]
12:31  10 km Walk TEAM M75  [F]
12:31  10 km Walk TEAM M70  [F]
12:40  High Jump W50 Pentathlon 
12:42  200 m M40  [SF]
12:45  High Jump W45 Pentathlon 
12:54  200 m M35  [SF]
12:55  Shot Put W55 (3) Pentathlon 
13:00  Pole Vault M70 
13:10  1500 m M65  [1st]
13:10  Long Jump W60 Pentathlon 
13:15  Hammer Throw W65 (3) 
13:30  1500 m M60  [1st]
13:30  Discus Throw W35 (1) 
13:50  800 m W70+ Pentathlon  [H]
13:58  Pentathlon W70+ 
14:00  800 m W65 Pentathlon  [H]
14:00  Long Jump W55 Pentathlon 
14:08  Pentathlon W65 
14:10  60 m Hurdles W40 Pentathlon  [H]
14:10  10 km Walk M55-65  [F]
14:11  10 km Walk TEAM M65  [F]
14:11  10 km Walk TEAM M60  [F]
14:11  10 km Walk TEAM M55  [F]
14:20  60 m Hurdles W35 Pentathlon  [H]
14:20  Shot Put W50 (3) Pentathlon 
14:30  1500 m M55  [1st]
14:30  Hammer Throw W60 (3) 
14:53  High Jump W40 Pentathlon 
14:55  High Jump W35 Pentathlon 
15:00  1500 m M50  [1st]
15:20  Shot Put W45 (4) Pentathlon 
15:25  1500 m M45  [1st]
15:40  800 m W60 Pentathlon  [H]
15:40  10 km Walk M35-50  [F]
15:41  10 km Walk TEAM M50  [F]
15:41  10 km Walk TEAM M45  [F]
15:41  10 km Walk TEAM M40  [F]
15:41  10 km Walk TEAM M35  [F]
15:43  Long Jump W50 Pentathlon 
15:45  Shot Put W35 (4) Pentathlon 
15:48  Pentathlon W60 
15:50  800 m W55 Pentathlon  [H]
15:54  Long Jump W45 Pentathlon 
15:58  Pentathlon W55 
16:00  1500 m M40  [1st]
16:25  1500 m M35  [1st]
16:30  Hammer Throw W55 (3) 
16:30  Pole Vault M65 
16:40  Shot Put W40 (4) Pentathlon 
16:50  60 m Hurdles M75  [1st]
16:50  Long Jump W35 Pentathlon 
17:00  60 m Hurdles M70  [1st]
17:10  60 m Hurdles M65  [1st]
17:25  60 m Hurdles M60  [1st]
17:45  60 m Hurdles M55  [1st]
18:00  60 m Hurdles M50  [1st]
18:20  800 m W45 Pentathlon  [H]
18:28  Pentathlon W45 
18:30  800 m W50 Pentathlon  [H]
18:38  Pentathlon W50 
18:40  60 m Hurdles M45  [1st]
18:50  60 m Hurdles M40  [1st]
18:50  Long Jump W40 Pentathlon 
19:00  60 m Hurdles M35  [1st]
19:20  800 m W35 Pentathlon  [H]
19:28  Pentathlon W35 
19:30  200 m W85+  [F]
19:35  200 m W80  [F]
19:40  200 m W75  [F]
19:44  200 m W70  [F]
19:48  200 m W65  [F]
19:52  200 m W60  [F]
19:56  200 m W55  [F]
20:00  200 m W50  [F]
20:00  Triple Jump M40 
20:04  200 m W45  [F]
20:08  200 m W40  [F]
20:12  200 m W35  [F]
20:20  800 m W40 Pentathlon  [H]
20:28  Pentathlon W40 
20:30  200 m M90+  [F]
20:35  200 m M85  [F]
20:39  200 m M80  [F]
20:43  200 m M75  [F]
20:47  200 m M70  [F]
20:51  200 m M65  [F]
20:55  200 m M60  [F]
20:59  200 m M55  [F]
21:03  200 m M50  [F]
21:07  200 m M45  [F]
21:11  200 m M40  [F]
21:15  200 m M35  [F]
21:20  60 m Hurdles M85  [F]
21:25  60 m Hurdles M80  [F]
21:30  60 m Hurdles M75  [F]
21:35  60 m Hurdles M70  [F]
21:40  60 m Hurdles M65  [F]
21:45  60 m Hurdles M60  [F]
21:50  60 m Hurdles M55  [F]
21:55  60 m Hurdles M50  [F]
22:00  60 m Hurdles M45  [F]
22:05  60 m Hurdles M40  [F]
22:10  60 m Hurdles M35  [F]
WMA R (60) 47.17 Mirja Kokko FIN Kouvola, FIN 2022-05-29
 Final  Summary

Last Changes: 2023-03-31 16:09:53
Hammer Throw W60 (3) Final START: 2023-03-31 14:30 END: 16:00:00
Pos Order Bib Athlete Category Club/Country I II III IV V VI Mark Rank
1 10 548 RINNE Erja W60 Finland (FIN) 35.54 x 32.42 x 35.53 x 35.54 1
2 3 1361 JONES Karen W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) x 30.44 31.93 33.88 32.47 33.98 33.98 2
3 12 2345 VAN DIJK Ingrid W60 Netherlands (NED) 31.78 32.09 33.43 32.21 33.83 33.30 33.83 3
4 5 434 ESKILDSEN Kirsten W60 Denmark (DEN) 31.52 30.89 30.04 30.83 x x 31.52 4
5 13 167 LENAERS Regina W60 Belgium (BEL) 28.60 x 28.13 30.61 29.24 30.85 30.85 SB 5
6 6 4158 WILKINS Mary W60 United States of America (USA) 29.53 29.96 29.11 x 28.55 23.16 29.96 6
7 7 831 DÜLL Agnes W60 Germany (GER) 29.77 28.04 27.76 28.41 28.13 x 29.77 7
8 9 1497 WEIR Kim W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) 29.59 26.59 x 26.97 27.20 x 29.59 8
9 15 1255 CLARKE Gaye W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) 26.02 26.33 x 26.33 9
10 17 194 DA SILVA Zenaide Soares W60 Brazil (BRA) 26.25 x 25.19 26.25 10
11 16 4139 TERPENING Kristin W60 United States of America (USA) 25.57 19.81 x 25.57 SB 11
12 1 306 TAPIA NUNEZ Soledad W60 Chile (CHI) 24.43 21.38 x 24.43 12
13 4 421 VANACOVA Irena W60 Czech Republic (CZE) 23.61 23.48 23.65 23.65 13
14 14 1356 IVORY Christine W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) 22.06 23.21 21.32 23.21 SB 14
15 8 1285 DUNSFORD Wendy W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) 21.14 22.20 21.88 22.20 15
16 2 1297 EVANS Shannon W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) 18.09 x 18.15 18.15 16
17 11 1449 RUSSELL Brenda W60 Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GBR) x 17.54 17.67 17.67 17

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